A spicy take on a stand-alone egg salad. Makes a great breakfast without all the heaviness and calories! I sometimes have it as a side instead of chips...
I made this recipe up when I had an abundance of avocados and wanted something other than guacamole. I shocked myself at how tasty this egg salad was and...
Mustard powder, dill weed, garlic powder, and onion flakes are combined in this amazing egg salad. I've always had rave reviews of this great sandwich...
Mustard powder, dill weed, garlic powder, and onion flakes are combined in this amazing egg salad. I've always had rave reviews of this great sandwich...
This egg salad sandwich is loosely based on an open-faced egg salad sandwich served at a local bistro. The unexpected pairing of pesto and Jarlsberg compliments...
The tang from the Dijon, freshness from the lemon, and liveliness when paired with watercress makes this recipe a MUST! This recipe tastes best when paired...
A great sandwich to make when you have a garden of fresh basil and tomatoes. It is very easy to make and very yummy. I would recommend this as an open-faced...
The tang from the Dijon, freshness from the lemon, and liveliness when paired with watercress makes this recipe a MUST! This recipe tastes best when paired...
The tang from the Dijon, freshness from the lemon, and liveliness when paired with watercress makes this recipe a MUST! This recipe tastes best when paired...
The tang from the Dijon, freshness from the lemon, and liveliness when paired with watercress makes this recipe a MUST! This recipe tastes best when paired...
I don't like mayonnaise and so I never have it in the house. I do, however, like egg salad, and I adjusted it to make it without the mayo. Pretty close...
This is a fresh variation on an old classic. Egg salad is spiced up with fresh cilantro and mushrooms as well as the usual ingredients. Great for a spring...
Perfect for the person who loves egg salad but doesn't love the mayo that most recipes call for. Very fresh tasting. Fewer ingredients make this a quick...